Thursday, November 15, 2007

To Do

Just needed to make a list of some things that have been on my mind. Since thoughts and cells move through my head at speeds even NASA would find alarming.... I think best to put them down here so I don't forget.

George Bush: Tyranny, idiocy arrogance and manipulation.

Iraqi War: Bring them home, the argument that if you cut the funding (now over 600 Billion dollars), it will make democrats look as if the don't support the troops. etc

Sports: Inflated salaries, high ticket prices, role models, shit behavior

Just three there will be more, but for now at 3:10 a.m. A FRICKINGAIN....

God I just gotta go to sleep now.....FUCK!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Holy shit.... I've so desired to get back to writing and just getting it out. As anyone that might somehow by accident, stumble upon this page can see I have not been very productive. Every thing spins at light speed and when its not spinning I can't seem to fathom a thought to write. When I first started back to writing after a long break, some witty homosapien suggested that regardless of lack of thought just start writing.

So as you can see this is the result of such a suggestion. However long or short as the result shall be, I would be remiss if I at least didn't make the simple attempt. As I write I'm watching one of my favorite shows. Its broadcast on Discovery Home channel. It comes on at 2 a.m. and it is called Holmes on Homes. This guy is a "do it right" building contractor.

As I write I see the clock is ticking on my sleep time. But aha, I lied. There isn't a clock in this house that ticks. Everything is digital!!! I'm a liar, see I did it right there....I fricking lied. You get the point.

Every time I want to have the fortitude to write, there isn't time. When there is time there isn't much. I can feel a self-hatred laden post coming soon. If you have somehow stumbled to this page in a half drunken stupor, stick around this could get ugly. But for now I've gotta put the sleep timer on, maybe rub one out, eat something...... of course not in any specific order. Hold on, maybe I'll eat first....Okay I got this.

See.....Time...its never ending.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Just starting out

Just getting over a weird week. I was easily able to stay home most of this past week. One day of work and at that a fair easy day. I can't say that what I do for work is really that stressful. I suppose in its own right it is stressful. Anything outside of what is going on while I work is almost in a state of virtual reality for me. Its pretty late on a Sunday night, and after accidentally figuring out I have HBO and catching up on Bill Maher, its just about 3 a.m. and I am going to sack out here on the sofa.
