As for ridding us of income tax, I think I agree to a small degree with you. A flat tax seemed a good idea until I looked further at that and some of the folks that supported it. For income taxes to be abolished, well first we have to treat the problem rather than a symptom of the American worker. By that I mean, when government spending is so far out of control that the hours we work each day are dedicated to the allowances of our government....then I have a problem.
I no longer believe as I have for some time, that we have a government that is OF BY, AND FOR THE PEOPLE. Our constitution has become nothing more than an old historical document that is as worthless as the light that shines upon it. I cannot stomach another news report about our government sending $1 to another country when we have homeless people in our own country, when a drug addict trying to get help is turned away because he/she doesn't have money for treatment. When treatment centers don't teach relapse prevention, by not teaching it, it insures repeat customers. As well, when I sit here typing this with a horrifyingly bad case of bronchitis and knowing in the back of my mind that it might become if not already pneumonia, that infuriates me.
So if we cut off the dead and bloody symptom, which is outrageous financial irresponsibility by our government. We could keep or lower our level of income tax. Then restructure it, so that the lower and middle class aren't the ones paying the way for the rest of us. Let the top 10% of earners, Ball Players, Rock Stars, Actors, CEO's with golden parachutes....let those fuckers pay more. Leave us at the bottom alone.
National health care is not an illusion. What is a delusion is the point that the government wants to run it. If you take the profit out of it and make a non-governmental regulated organization oversee it, we can measure some success. As it stands, currently OUR GOVERNMENT IS WAY OUT OF LINE. I don't know anyone that represents me as an American in America in 2007.
As for NAFTA...... That was a huge mistake when it was passed and I said so then and I'll keep saying it. Nuff prolly want rip your own eyes out after reading all of this. I think if you had to look at it from a stand point of today was voting day.... I'd have to Vote for Barack
Who the hell knows.... I Guess all we can hope for is that January 20th, 2009 gets out of here fast, our troops come home and I don't die of pneumonia before any or all of these.
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