Have you ever seen a movie that has been dramatic, filled with passion and zeal? Sure you have! Have you ever cataloged that movie indelibly into your memory banks as if part of it were the fabric of your life? Sure you have! The above being said, within the framework of your mind scribed movie masterpiece is there a point that invokes.... lets say a welling up, a moment which you are truly affected emotionally? Sure there is, I'm sure we all have that moment.
From Old Yeller, Charlotte's Web and Bryan's Song. We that are old enough to remember or know these movies and the exact moment at which it will occur. Its what keeps us glued to the movie and keeps that affect tucked away as if an heirloom of our soul within our memory banks.
Well another of those moments has prompted my blog tonight. With the luxury of digital cable and its plethora of hundreds of channels from which to choose, I happened upon "Encore" at about 10:20. After an un-planned nap of a few hours I got up scurried about and started scrolling through that frickin guide of channels.
My regular channels were pretty much crap, History, DIY, CNN all three networks, ESPN all of them. So obviously I was forced to go second tier and it came down to the Doors movie on 143 or Patch Adams on 158. Years ago I had a week from hell and ended up in the theater by myself watching this movie. I have seen it a few times since and the same thing happens usually.....screw everything and watch the movie.
I digress. Some of the movies of this variety are movies with a reliable and concerted, profound emotional impact upon me. Not unlike many of you I'm sure. Well I started watching the movie tonight and it invoked the same response...plus some. Its the plus some that really has prompted my writing.
I don't want to really go into a full length description and or write the screenplay on here. The basic premise is a fella that really views life different than conventional wisdom, based in the medical field. Each person isn't just a medical case, as in the leukodystrophy patient in bed three as opposed to the cute little Allison Smith. His view, dedication and passion were the evocation within the movie that stormed my emotional centerpiece.
He found that within a ward of smaller children suffering from diseases and sickness, there was a institutional somberness and quiet that seemed almost disturbing. So he decided to bring some laughter and cheer by injecting humor to the ward, by using medical instruments as props to improvise and ad lib. There are several circumstances where his
calling was blatantly shown to him, before he realized what it is that sought him all of his years.
Again I digress, have you ever wondered why at the moment of
impact shall we say (welling up) what the cause or affect of such a flow of emotion occurs? I suppose I don't have your answer, but that was the question I posed to myself this night. It has to do with seeing the same movie several times and that sense of "Ah Ha... I hadn't noticed that before". It was within that "Ah Ha" moment that it dawned me, that I was at a minor emotional upheaval.
My truth is that I have received the most joy out of life, helping others. By bringing them relief, happiness, joy and the restoration of their self worth, dignity and security. But if you mix in what it is that I love to do for work and how I make my living at it. The two never or rarely mix, meld or blend. Other than working a show that is based upon raising funds for a charity as in a concert of benefit of some sort.
A few years ago I did have the opportunity to raise over $3000.00 for a mens homeless shelter. I secured the benefactor rather easily. At one point I was a client of the shelter. I remember then a gentleman named Chris handed me a set of sheets to a bed I was assigned. I realized after many thanks and displays of gratitude that he had this glazed over look upon his face. What he provided me with that very day, was my dignity, grace, security and compassion. Most of all and important, he gave me within the sheets..... a seed of hope.
Several years had passed and I was doing
swell, I was given the opportunity to go to school and a new lease on life. I thought for my gratitude and pass indignant deeds I owed. I owed someone, society or mankind something in return for my good fortune. Within two months I had created a benefit organization, secured the same homeless shelter I once stayed in as the benefactor, I had secured donations for the silent auction and all pretty much on my own time, resources and ideas.
I made it through what seemed like a depressing night. It was a rainy Monday night in February and the turn out seemed lower than my expectations would have liked. All that being said, at the end of the auction, the door proceeds and the club owner Mickey Cucchiela donating a portion of the register receipts I was able to hand over a check for the aforementioned amount. I was stressed most of the night, being director, coordinator and all things to all people. A good stress I suppose. However as I signed the check it started to hit me.
I had become completely overwhelmed at the moment I handed over the check. I hadn't realized that through all of the coordination with the gentleman from the benefactor's organization I had been dealing with the same man that years before had handed me something. He handed my my hope. As I live and breath until the moment of my outstretched arm handing him the check I hadn't realized who he was, and at that very moment, looking into his eyes and seeing his smile and the humbled look of gratitude and thankfulness all I could do was cry.
Which by the way, was not my intent. My intent was to fulfill my ego with some elaborate speech of gratitude to those that helped make the night possible and ad nauseam. As all things right with nature and as perfect as nature seems....that speech was not meant to be. Instead what people saw, including the benefactor, was a young man filled with tears of grace, joy and and an overwhelming satisfaction that I had completed a goal I was sure I'd lost long sight of.
Now I've found my way back to the purpose and crux of the post. Inside, I have struggled with many things. I have struggled with addiction to anything and everything toxic. I have struggled with love, life and the pursuit of happiness. Most of all I've struggled with an unending sense of where do I belong in this life. I've had a sense of doing something big with my life. Having meaning and purpose. Being able to affect people on a large scale I suppose. I have never really entertained the grandiosity side of these notions, rather than struggling with the who, what, when where and how I am going to achieve such a feet.

I have gotten a decent education, I've taken computer networking classes, broadcasting, sales, marketing, economics, history and all sorts of higher learning. However, aside from working in the music business behind the scenes in production, I've never really found my calling. I suppose that I'll do what the next day has in store. Or maybe as days go by my own answers will come. All I do know is this, my own passion exists because of my desire to fulfill someone else's needs and desire to move on, up and out.
I hope any of this made sense to someone. I think I've piddled out what was inside.... and now you see. Another movie that has brought me to the edge of tears....actually violently over the waterfall......